I was just reading a post about the tornado around Castleisland, Co. Kerry, on 16th December 2011 and mention was made of the airport at Farranfore some miles away. That reminded me that though there are weather stations (generally automatic) at a number of airports (e.g. St. Angelo, Ballykelly, Aldergrove, and Belfast City Airport in Northern Ireland, Dublin Airport, Casement Aerodrome, Cork, Shannon and Knock Airports in the Republic of Ireland), there are at least a handful of small airports where I am not aware of weather readings being taken. This includes Farranfore in Co. Kerry above, but there is a small airfield in West Donegal (not far from Burtonport, I think) and also at Newtownards in Co. Down; possibly there are others in ROI I am not aware of (is there one in Waterford or Wexford, for example?).
One might have thought that it would have been a statutory duty for each airport of airfield to have a weather station, for safety reasons, since if for example the wind is very strong or there is an occurrence or likelihood of snow, fog, hail, etc., then this could potentially affect the safety of aircraft.
Does anyone know if small airports such as Farranfore, etc, record weather? It is not shown for Co. Kerry in the latest Monthly Weather Bulletin, for December 2011 (which gives more stations than the Monthly Summary, the most recent of which is for March 2012 (see http://www.met.ie/climate/monthlyBulletins/dec11.pdf).